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Don’t jail ganja addicts—Health Minister

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Minister of Health Dr. Frank Anthony is insisting that Marijuana addicts should not be jailed. Rather they should be consigned to a rehab program.
At the time, Minister Anthony was responding to the contradictions which on one hand, the Government is trying to cut out tobacco smoking but at the same time encouraging marijuana smoking in small qualities.
Speaking on the issues as it relates to the varying regulation governing the use of Marijuana as opposed to the use of tobacco, Minister Anthony believes that a rehab program will be a suitable method for addicts.
“In terms of marijuana, I think you have to look at that in legal terms. So, part of it in terms of allowing it, small quantities of it, has to do with the legal aspect. People who have used or who have been using Marijuana have an addiction.
They shouldn’t be in the lockups for smaller quantities. They should be on a programme to help them with rehabilitation. I think that should be the focus.”
Minister Anthony further explained that his thought remains so because on going into the prison those people cause more trouble.
“Going into prison, for small quantities might lead them to do other things to get into more deviant behaviour rather than if you put them into a program where they can go through rehab.”
Minister Anthony pointed out that the two topics are different and should be treated that way.
“I think the two things are different. In terms of cigarette smoking, there have been studies being done from the 60’s coming all the way to the present times that show a lot of the dangers of cigarette smoking.
“These include cancer, the cardiovascular effects of smoking, chronic lung disease a whole host of things. So we know the dangers of this. That’s why we have to work to reduce this”
According to the Ministry of Health, both smoking is bad and Health officials are working on ways to stop smoking.