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Two Guyanese soldiers were on Wednesday detained by the Venezuelan army while performing their duties in the Cuyuni River at Eteringbang, Region Seven.

Eteringbang is located at one of Guyana’s borders with Venezuela. It is unclear why the soldiers were detained and up to press time Kaieteur News was still unaware if they were released.

However, Kaieteur News was told that the detention might have to do with the rights to sand and stone found in the Cuyuni River.  The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works has undertaken a $214.5M project to upgrade the Eteringbang airstrip from laterite to a concrete paved one.

But the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) addressed the article published in a local daily regarding an incident on an island in the Cuyuni River at Eteringbang.

On Wednesday, 20 March 2024, at approximately 1150 hours, during an administrative journey, ranks of the GDF and the Venezuelan Army had an encounter.  The incident attracted the intervention of both the GDF and Venezuelan Commanders who arrived at the scene shortly thereafter. At no time during this interaction were our ranks dispossessed of items or returned items.

The matter was addressed amicably and ended with a shake-of-hands by both Commanders.

“The Guyana Defence Force categorically refutes any inference that the photograph accompanying the news report, is related to the incident alluded to at Eteringbang. We urge the media to exercise diligence and accuracy in selecting visual content to avoid misrepresentation.

“The GDF emphasizes the importance of accurate reporting, especially concerning matters of national security, and urges the media to verify information before dissemination to ensure authenticity and avoid unnecessary alarm or misinformation.

It is important to note also, that given the border case before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), incidents on the border between Guyana and Venezuela and involving military ranks should be reported accurately to deescalate any potential for conflict.