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*GTUC stands with teachers, calls on society to remain vigilant*

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The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) continues to stand with the teachers, children, families and all affected by the teachers’ strike.

This move by Government on Tuesday, March 12, 2024  not to respect the Agreement  to engage with a view to resolving the dispute; not to respect teachers; the Court that facilitated the process is a demonstration of Government’s continued high handedness,  disrespect and ill-will towards teachers, our nation’s working poor.

It showcases Government’s disregard for our nation’s children, particularly those who are dependent on the public education system.

Workers of Guyana, trade union leaders, religious organisations, civil society, including the supporters and apologists for this government, must open their eyes and see clearly neither they nor their children are safe from the ravages of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) as the party continues to mismanage in office and abuse the privileged opportunity granted to govern this oil rich nation.

Government is thereby put on notice that failing to return to the  table in good faith will result in us mobilising and taking action as seen fit in keeping with  rights and the rule of law.

At this time, whereas there is disgust with Government’s dishonest attitude towards such a large and diverse group of citizens, children and our wider community in terms of its impact, there is further concern that Government has a wider and more nefarious agenda that is unfolding gradually.


(From the GTUC)